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The New Lease Reform Act: What does it actually mean in simple terms?

On 1st April 2024, the UK Parliament enacted the Lease Reform Act, a ground-breaking piece of legislation aimed at addressing longstanding issues within the leasehold system. As someone who has closely followed the developments in property law, I am excited to see these changes come into effect. The new act brings substantial reforms to the rights of leaseholders, making the system fairer and more transparent. Here, I explore the key changes introduced by the act, comparing them to the previous laws and providing practical examples to illustrate their impact.

Key Changes Introduced by the Lease Reform Act

1. Elimination of Ground Rent for New Leases

 - Old Law: Under the old system, ground rent was a mandatory payment that leaseholders had to make to the freeholder. This rent could vary significantly and often increased over time, leading to financial strain on leaseholders.

 - New Law: The new act abolishes ground rent for new leases, meaning that leaseholders will no longer be required to pay this fee. This change is expected to make home ownership more affordable and prevent the escalation of costs that was common under the old system.

 - Example: Previously, a leaseholder might have paid £200 per year in ground rent, with the amount increasing every ten years. Under the new law, new leaseholders will pay £0 in ground rent, removing this financial burden entirely.

2. Simplified Lease Extension Process

 - Old Law: Extending a lease was a complex and costly process, often involving protracted negotiations and significant legal fees. Leaseholders typically had to pay a premium to the freeholder to secure an extension.

 - New Law: The act simplifies the lease extension process, capping the costs and standardising the procedure to make it more transparent. Leaseholders can now extend their leases by 990 years at zero ground rent, significantly improving their property security.

 - Example: Under the old system, a leaseholder with a 70-year lease wanting to extend might have faced fees running into thousands of pounds and lengthy negotiations. Now, they can extend to a 990-year lease with minimal hassle and cost.

3. Enhanced Right to Manage

 - Old Law: The right to manage (RTM) was available to leaseholders, allowing them to take over the management of their building from the freeholder. However, the process was complicated and fraught with legal challenges, often deterring leaseholders from exercising this right.

 - New Law: The new legislation streamlines the RTM process, making it easier for leaseholders to take control of their building's management. The act reduces the bureaucratic hurdles and clarifies the steps required, empowering more leaseholders to manage their properties effectively.

 - Example: Previously, a group of leaseholders wanting to exercise their RTM might have faced prolonged legal disputes with their freeholder. Now, they can follow a clear, simplified process to gain control over the building’s management.

4. Transparency in Service Charges

 - Old Law: Service charges were often a source of contention, with leaseholders frequently facing unexpected and exorbitant charges without clear justification. Disputes over service charges could be time-consuming and costly.

 - New Law: The act introduces stricter regulations on the transparency and fairness of service charges. Freeholders must provide detailed breakdowns and justifications for any charges, ensuring leaseholders are only paying for legitimate expenses.

 - Example: In the past, a leaseholder might receive a service charge bill of £1,500 with little explanation. Under the new law, the freeholder must itemise and justify each cost, allowing the leaseholder to see exactly what they are paying for and challenge any unreasonable charges.

Practical Example: Applying the New Laws

Consider a leaseholder, Sarah, who purchased a flat in London with a 70-year lease. Under the old system, Sarah paid £300 annually in ground rent and faced increasing payments over time. She also considered extending her lease, but the process was daunting and expensive, with quotes exceeding £10,000.

With the new Lease Reform Act in place from 1st April 2024, Sarah benefits from the following changes:

- Ground Rent: For any new lease, Sarah would no longer pay ground rent, saving her significant amounts of money annually.

- Lease Extension: She can now extend her lease by 990 years with zero ground rent, at a substantially reduced cost and simplified process.

- Right to Manage: If Sarah and her fellow leaseholders decide to manage the building themselves, they can do so more easily and without the previous legal complexities.

- Service Charges: Sarah receives a detailed breakdown of service charges, ensuring she is only paying for necessary and legitimate expenses.

Future Reforms: Lease Reform Act Part 2

While the Lease Reform Act of 2024 has already introduced significant improvements, the UK government is considering further changes under the potential Lease Reform Act Part 2. These proposals aim to build on the progress made and address additional concerns within the leasehold system.

Proposed Changes in Lease Reform Act Part 2

1. Abolition of Marriage Value

 - Current Situation: When extending a lease or purchasing the freehold, leaseholders often have to pay a "marriage value," a fee that reflects the increased value of the property once the lease is extended.

 - Proposed Change: The new proposals suggest abolishing the marriage value, which would significantly reduce the costs for leaseholders looking to extend their leases or buy the freehold.

 - Impact: Removing this fee would make it more affordable for leaseholders to secure their property's long-term future.

2. Simplification of Commonhold Conversion

 - Current Situation: Commonhold ownership, an alternative to leasehold, has been available for years but has seen limited uptake due to its complexity and the legal hurdles involved in converting existing leasehold properties to commonhold.

 - Proposed Change: The government aims to simplify the process of converting leasehold properties to commonhold, making it a more viable option for property owners.

 - Impact: Simplifying the conversion process would provide leaseholders with a greater sense of ownership and control over their properties.

3. Further Strengthening of Leaseholder Rights

 - Current Situation: While recent reforms have improved leaseholder rights, some areas still require attention, such as the dispute resolution process and protection against unfair practices by freeholders.

 - Proposed Change: The new act may include measures to further strengthen leaseholder rights, such as enhanced protections against unfair service charges and more robust dispute resolution mechanisms.

 - Impact: These changes would provide leaseholders with greater security and confidence in managing their properties.


The Lease Reform Act represents a major step forward in addressing the inequities and complexities of the leasehold system in the UK. By eliminating ground rent, simplifying lease extensions, enhancing the right to manage, and increasing transparency in service charges, the new legislation provides substantial benefits to leaseholders, making home ownership fairer and more sustainable. As someone invested in seeing fair housing practices, I am hopeful that these changes will bring about a more equitable system for all leaseholders.

Looking ahead, the potential Lease Reform Act Part 2 promises further improvements. By abolishing the marriage value, simplifying commonhold conversion, and strengthening leaseholder rights, the UK government is poised to continue making positive changes in the housing market.


- "Lease Reform Act 2024.", UK Government, 2024.

- "New Leasehold Reform Legislation: What You Need to Know." The Guardian, 2024.

- "Leasehold Reform Act: A Guide for Leaseholders." Leasehold Advisory Service, 2024.

- "Lease Reform Act Part 2: Proposed Changes." The Times, 2024.

Written by Tyson Teubner

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